Main Page
From GombeMIWiki
Gombe Mother Infant Database Project
Gombe-MI Programs
- PhpPgAdmin -- Access the database
- OmniDB -- Access the database
- PgAdmin4 -- Access the database
- Upload -- Upload tab-delimited text with column headings
- Upload_GC -- Upload group composition data
- Wwwdiff -- Compare 2 files
- Logout -- Logout (from the Gombe-MI bespoke programs)
- Documentation page
- Technical Specifications (Quick Links to HTML, PDF)
- Dataset Statuses page
Project Administration
- Add_User -- Create a database user
- DeleteDBUser -- Instructions for Deleteing a Database User
- Copy_Schema -- Copy a schema from one database to another
- Project Administration page
Source Code
Browse the Gombe-MI project source code.